Ashley’s brand new in-person experiences for families coming 2023.
All family members welcome!
Relax, Restore, & Reset: Experiences for Families, Sponsored by UCSF Pediatric Center of Excellence
Ashley Wood, LCSW and parent of a child with epilepsy, invites you to gather (in person) in Marin County, CA to Relax, Restore and Reset. The whole family is welcome…so reserve your spot with Ashley as space is limited.
Please join us on the following dates:
Winter: Canceled.
Spring: To be announced.
It is never too late to do family differently, even with an epilepsy diagnosis!
The Details
Who is this experience for?
The whole family! Relax, Restore & Reset Experiences will provide parents and caregivers connection with others and immediate support through Ashley's favorite tips to help us take care of ourselves as we also care for our people. Parents and caregivers of those living with epilepsy will experience instant support at this event to help us navigate this incredible diagnosis. Children with epilepsy and siblings will be hosted by some of Ashley’s favorite people in a safe indoor/outdoor setting just a few doors away from where parents and caregivers will be gathering. Music, art, face painting and games will be available for our kiddos. Oh, and lunch too!
How will we spend the 3 hours?
10:00 am - Families, both caregivers and children, are invited to take time to get comfortable with the schedule for the 3 hours we have together. Children with epilepsy and siblings will be hosted at a space on the ground level of the building next to Ashley’s office (400 Tamal Plaza, Corte Madera, CA). Laura Lalonde, Ashley’s caregiver to Piper Wood (Dravet Syndrome) of 14 years, will be overseeing the experience and will be supported by specialists who regularly work with Piper. Dr. Joseph Sullivan, director of the Pediatric Epilepsy Center of Excellence will be on call for any medical concerns that might occur. Healthy snacks and lunch will be available for our kids.
10:30 am - Parents and Caregivers will gather in Ashley’s office at 500 Tamal Plaza, Ste 525. We will begin with a 5-10 minute breath practice to bring instant attention and care to our nervous systems. In addition to learning about the science regulating our nervous systems and why it is so important for the load of stress we carry with this diagnosis, Ashley prepares slides focused on self care, partner care and parenting. While Ashley pulls her information from a variety of resources, the heart of her guidance is rooted in the teachings of The LAB Method.
12:30 pm - Lunch, time for questions and connection with one another.
What is the LAB Method and a Relaxed Leadership Stance?
The LAB Method offers practical roadmaps and simple tools that lead parents from the land of feeling stuck, lost and exasperated to a place of meaningful connection, emotionally safe interactions (even in the hardest moments) and relaxed leadership. Relaxed leadership is one of the main principles of The LAB Method and is a philosophy for becoming an unflappable, peaceful and boundaried leader of your kids. I am deeply committed to replacing my default (controlling, reactive, over-parenting) mode with a relaxed leadership stance, even with this massive epilepsy diagnosis.
Well, I feel a lot better about my partnering and mothering, and my partner and kids do too! I invite you to join me in person for this sacred opportunity to receive respite, nutrition, information and connection. If you find yourself hungry for a deeper dive into Relaxed Leadership by Polly Ely, MFT Founder of The LAB Method and co-author of The Life Support Cards, visit here.
Is this group therapy?
No. This experience is designed to provide respite, education, connection and support. While the experience may feel therapeutic at times, I will be leading the group from the position of teacher and coach.
Will the experience be recorded?
No. We (Ashley, The LAB Method and UCSF PECE) care to keep this experience safe and confidential for all participants. I invite participants to bring an open mind and judgment free perspective.
Fall Experience: November, 6th, Sunday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Winter Experience: Canceled.
Spring Experience: To be announced
Marin County, California
500 Tamal Plaza, Ste 525 Corte Madera, CA 94925
Children and siblings will be hosted at Andrew’s Camp 400 Tamal Plaza, Corte Madera, CA 94925
What is the cost?
Free! This offering is graciously sponsored by The Pediatric Center of Excellence at UCSF.
What about COVID precautions?
We are lucky to be hosting this class in a large room with cross-ventilation and a strong air filtration systems. Ashley will not be wearing a mask while facilitating, but each attendee is welcome to wear a mask if they wish and attendees may be asked to wear a mask if a surge arises during the course of these offereings. Class size will be limited to reduce risk of transmission.
What if I contract COVID and can’t come?
If you or someone in your household has ANY symptoms of covid or is testing positive, please skip coming to this in person experience and reach out to or text Ashley at 415/497-3093 to notify her that your family is unable to attend so we can invite a family off of the waitlist.
Please feel free to email Ashley ahead of time with any particular questions or topics you would like her to cover. She appreciates collaborating with families to make this experience as relevant to you as possible.
Si usted es un familia donde el ingles es su segundo idioma y desea un interprete, envíe un correo electrónico a Ashley para hacer estos arreglos.
Email Ashley to reserve space for you and your family! We can’t wait to host you.